Friday, September 12, 2008

There's an Alligator Under my Bed

Title: There's An Alligator Under My Bed
Author: Mercer Mayer
Illustrator: Mercer Mayer
Number of Pages: 29
Publisher: Dial Books for Young Readers
Copyright Date: 1987

Grade Level: Primary Grades (K-3)
Honors/Awards: None
Type of Book: Picture Book

In this picture book, the narrator is a young boy who, when it was time to go to bed, had to be very careful because he had an alligator under his bed. Whenever he called his parents into the room, they couldn't find the alligator, so the boy decided to take matters into his own hands. He went downstairs to the kitchen and took all the food that he thought alligators would like, then made a trail of "alligator bait" from his room to the garage. Then, all he had to do was wait. The alligator came out and ate everything. The boy followed him through the hall, down the stairs, and when he reached the garage, the boy slammed the door shut! After he returned to bed, the boy realized that he should leave a note for his parents letting them know about the alligator in the garage.

This is a very simple, yet very entertaining book. Mercer Mayer does an exellent job describing the thoughts and imagination of a young boy. It addresses the issue of children being afraid of "monsters under the bed" without being scary. The book gives the illusion that there is nothing to be afraid of, even if there really were an alligator under the bed. It encourages bravery as well as imagination.

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